The 4+1 View Model

These videos and article talk about in a short way the 4+1 view model, this little model consists in four sections and an extra section which is the +1 part, that allows us to make better software architecture. I will explain these sections in order to understand better this concept. This four section is the logical view, the development view, the process view and the physical view. The extra one is called: Use-Case View/Scenarios.

The Logical view talks about class diagrams, communication diagram, sequence diagram, state machine diagram, and an object diagram. All of these in order to obtain an object model, what components will be made and how will the behave. The development view is about, component diagram and package diagram, all to the make the organization of the assets during the development work, in other words, which belongs to what.

The process view is about concurrency and synchronized aspects. These mean activity diagram and timing diagram. The Physical view is how the software and the hardware are related, what system looks like when finished and it uses the deployment diagram. Finally, the use case view/scenarios use case diagrams and tell us how the system interacts with the world and systems around it.

In my opinion, these view model gets more cleared with the elephant and the blind programmers. They all get an idea of the elephant but no one gets the real point of an elephant. So, all of them are right, and that is why we nowadays build and have some different ideas or approaches to some things. In the end, we have not seen everything and in order to do that, we have to have the ability to see beyond what our senses can feel, and then, just by doing that we will begin to make better things.


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